Treatment with Antidepressants
Why medication?
Some people wonder how medication can help them with a mental disorder like depression. They may consider job stress, relationship problems or another difficult life situation to be the cause of their depression. In the context of depression, these stresses may be viewed as unmanageable. Medication cannot solve these external problems. What it can do is tackle the symptoms of depression (like fatigue, low mood, and loss of interest) to give you the chance to find solutions to these difficult life situations.
Antidepressants are the medications used for most depressive and anxiety disorders. It is important to think carefully about antidepressants or other medication. It's better if you are feeling comfortable and confident with the treatment. Otherwise it is unlikely you will commit to taking the antidepressant drugs regularly and over a long period of time to give the best chance that they will reduce depression. It is important to equip yourself with reliable information and to discuss any concerns or doubts you have with your doctor.